Greetings, Registration for the Tahoe Rim Trail Endurance Runs 2025 events has moved to January 20th at 8am, PST. It will be an open registration without a lottery or a wait list. The 100 Mile qualifications will still apply.
A major public works project is scheduled this summer for the Marlette Lake dam and there are plans to restrict public access to specific areas of Spooner Lake Park which may impact our ability to build and staff our backcountry aid stations. I am working closely with Nevada State Park officials and the project managers to develop a race plan that accommodates their project needs and our need for backcountry access. Final decisions will be made over the next few weeks and we are delaying registration until we have final approval. I apologize for any inconvenience this registration delay may cause. Our intention is to have another epic TRTER event in 2025 complete with deluxe backcountry aid stations and the new 100K course.
Thank you for your patience and do not hesitate to reach out to me or our Registration Director, Angela Sullivan, if you have any questions or concerns. trtgoddess@gmail.com.
I hope you have a happy holiday season!
George Ruiz Race Director trter100@gmail.com