2025 UPDATES: Course maps, Elevation Profiles and GPX files are up to date.
Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the WESTERN NEVADA COLLEGE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED in order to avoid the rush on race morning.
50K packet pick-up will also be available at Western Nevada College on Race Morning between 4:00 a.m. and 5:45 a.m.
Finish line cutoff for the 50K is the same as the 56-mile event: 2:00 a.m. on Sunday morning (20 hours).
There is no drop bag service for the 50K. 50K runners wishing to have drop bags available during the event will need to make their own arrangements.
All aid stations feature:
- First Endurance EFS electrolyte replacement drink. This is a high quality drink and you can read more about it here: https://firstendurance.com/nutrition/efs-drink.html
- A variety of Honey Stinger Gels, Waffles and Chews
- S Caps
Our aid stations among the best stocked aid stations you will experience. During the daytime hours of the race the usual ultra-race fair with salty snacks and PB&J made with gluten free bread. Once the sun goes down the kitchens open and provide full hot meals and breakfast items in the early morning hours.
Every aid station will have at least one vegan option.
50K Course Description
The Tahoe Rim Trail Endurance Runs takes place on high elevation alpine and sub-alpine forest single track trails and dirt roads in the Carson Spur of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The event is located on the east side of Lake Tahoe. All distances begin and end at the Western Nevada College in Carson City, Nevada, which is at 4,888 feet and is the lowest point on the course. The highest point of the event is just below the summit of 9,214-foot Snow Valley Peak (which also provides one of the best views on the course). The course is marked with highly visible fluorescent orange flagging with a highly reflective tip.
THE START at Western Nevada College immediately jumps onto a single-track trail leading to Ash Canyon Road. There will be a water only stop (Kick Ash water stop at 5 miles) towards the top of Ash Canyon. From there you will use an old jeep road leading you to the Snow Valley Peak A/S. The distance to Snow Valley Peak A/S is approximately 9 miles with 4,200 feet of climbing.
From there you will turn right (North) on the Tahoe Rim Trail, where the iconic views of Marlette and Tahoe will beckon you to stop for a photo opp! About a 3 mile descent will find you at an intersection, where the TRT crosses a dirt road. (You will see this intersection again on your way to the finish). Continue on the TRT another ½ mile to the Hobart A/S at 8120 feet and approximately 12 miles into the race. Get ready for a trail running party at this aid station. Famous for great food, smoothies, and a walk-up bar.
Hobart A/S – So you do not miss the iconic view from Marlette Peak, you will leave Hobart AS and complete a 2 mile loop around Marlette Peak (major photo op!) You will circle around past a campground back to the Hobart AS. Leaving Hobart AS the second time, you will go back (South) on the Tahoe Rim Trail for about a half mile, the intersection will lead you onto the new Capital 2 Tahoe Trail. There will be a sign that says, Capital to Tahoe Trail TO FINISH. After about 2 miles it will come to a road, you will cross the road and continue on single track for 2.25 miles. This is the same trail you took on the initial climb from the start, but instead of going up to Snow Valley Peak, you will go straight (East) and continue down the C2T trail. There will be a sign that says, Capital to Tahoe Trail TO FINISH. You will continue on this trail for about 5.5 miles to Waterfall A/S. All brand new single-track trail with lots of trees and shade. (Be sure to leave Hobart A/S with full packs or bottles as it will be 10 miles without an aid station!)
This brand new section of single-track, called the Capital to Tahoe trail, ends at the Waterfall A/S. Prepare yourself for another fun and flowy section of single-track, albeit sun-exposed and dropping into the hot temperatures (90s!) of the valley. This is the Ash to Kings trail. Again you are still approximately 7 miles from the finish, do not leave without topping off your packs/ bottles! The Ash to Kings trail merges with the Ash Creek trail and back to the start/finish area inside the baseball stadium at Western Nevada College. In all, this new course totals approximately 30 miles and 6,000 feet of elevation gain and similar elevation loss.
Remember there are no areas for crew to take care of you, you must rely on these amazing aid stations. You will be amazed at the food they will have for you and the level of support you will find. Keep in mind this course averages about 8,000 feet of elevation. It will get cold at night no matter how warm it gets during the day. But also keep in mind the finish line is in Carson City – in mid-July the afternoon temperatures will be in the mid-90’s!!! Also, the air is very dry, normally less than 10% humidity. Follow the best guidelines from Sports Medicine Science and drink to thirst. We will have plenty of water and First Endurance EFS electrolyte drink.
50K Course Map & Profile
Course Profile